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In accordance with the procedure for the competitive selection of an independent director to the Board of Directors of joint-stock companies, whose sole shareholder is the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan*, approved by the order of the Acting Minister of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 13, 2025, No. 11, the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a competitive selection for an independent director to the Board of Directors of the joint-stock company "National Company Kazakhstan Engineering" (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").

Location and Contacts:
Astana, Yesil District, Kerey and Zhanibek Khans Street, 12A, Tel. +7 (7172) 725252.

The company was established under the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 13, 2003, No. 244, "On Some Issues of the Defense-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan," to improve the management system of the defense-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan by including defense industry enterprises into the holding structure.

The company serves as a holding structure intended to ensure unified financial, production, and technological policies at engineering enterprises specializing in the production of civilian, special, and dual-purpose products.

Qualifications for the Independent Director Candidate:

1. A candidate for election to the Company’s Board of Directors as an independent director must meet the following qualifications:

1) Not be an affiliate of the Company and not have been an affiliate within three years prior to their election to the Board of Directors (except for serving as an independent director of the Company).

2) Not be an affiliate of the Company’s affiliated persons.

3) Not be subordinate to the officers of the Company or its affiliated organizations and not have been subordinate to them within three years prior to their election to the Board of Directors.

4) Not be a civil servant.

5) Not represent the Sole Shareholder in the meetings of the Company's bodies and not have represented them within three years prior to their election to the Board of Directors.

6) Not participate in the Company’s audit as an auditor working in an auditing organization and not have participated in such an audit within three years prior to their election to the Board of Directors.

7) Must be at least 35 years old.

8) Must have a higher education and/or a master’s degree or additional education in management.

9) Must have at least five years of professional experience in areas relevant to the Company’s functional directions or related industries and/or at least three years of experience as a member of a Board of Directors.

2. A person cannot be considered as a candidate for independent director if they meet one or more of the following criteria:

1) Previously held the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO (Chairman of the Board), Deputy CEO, or Chief Accountant of another legal entity within one year prior to the decision on compulsory liquidation, forced redemption of shares, or conservation of another legal entity declared bankrupt. This restriction applies for five years after the date of the decision.

2) Has an unexpired or unexpunged criminal record or was exempted from criminal liability under the laws of Kazakhstan or other countries.

3) Is an officer or employee of a competing organization.

4) Has been discredited or disqualified as a member of a Board of Directors in any country by a decision of an authorized body.

Deadline for Submission of Applications: January 30, 2025.

Mailing Address of the Competition Commission Secretariat:
Astana, Kabambay Batyr Avenue, 32/1,
Tel. +7 (7172) 983192, 983436.

Position Number of the Independent Director: 1 (Competition No. 1).
