Dual education Kazakhstan engineering
On the implementation of measures to implement the dual training system in subsidiaries.
In order to increase the professional and educational level of employees of the enterprises of the Group of the Company, an Action Plan for the implementation of the dual training system in subsidiaries of JSC "NC" Kazakhstan Engineering "for 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) was developed and approved.
In accordance with the instruction of the Head of State given in the Message to the people of Kazakhstan “Kazakhstan in a new global reality: growth, reform and development”, a new project will start in the country in 2017 - “Free vocational education for all.” In the framework of the project, in pursuance of the Plan, most enterprises have concluded memoranda of cooperation with the branches of the State Military-Technical School of the Ministry of Defense, and the lists of specialties demanded for subsidiaries have been determined for which the training of professional and technical personnel is envisaged. For example, Semey Engineering JSC plans to organize on-the-job training for workers in 7 specialties related to the management, repair and maintenance of special military equipment.
This year, work continued on concluding agreements and memorandums on the introduction of dual education between enterprises and educational institutions of the republic. So, JSC “Machine-building plant named after CM. Kirov "concluded practical training agreements with the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.S. Satpayeva, "GKKP" Almaty State Polytechnic College ", the Institution" Almaty Industrial College ", GKKP" Almaty College of Telecommunications and Engineering ". Semey Engineering JSC concluded memoranda of cooperation with the State Electrotechnical College and the East Kazakhstan Technological College, developed and approved contracts for practical training and personnel training, plans for joint activities for the implementation of memoranda. An agreement was concluded with SSU. Shakarima for professional practice.
A tripartite agreement on social partnership was concluded between Munaymash JSC, the North Kazakhstan Humanitarian Technical College and the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the North Kazakhstan Region with the aim of organizing dual training for the enterprise employees.
Currently, within the framework of the concluded memoranda of cooperation with the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.S. Satpayev is working on the selection from among young specialists of subsidiaries of candidates for educational grants in the professions that are in demand for the Company's enterprises.
In accordance with the Plan, measures to organize and develop the institution of mentoring have been significantly intensified. At many enterprises of the Company, orders were issued for the personal consolidation of mentors from among highly qualified specialists, including those responsible for internships as part of dual training for students of universities and colleges. For example, Petropavlovsk Heavy Engineering Plant JSC organized production practice for 26 students of technical educational institutions, each of whom was assigned a vocational training instructor (mentor). Classes are being equipped at subsidiaries of the Company, special workplaces (production sites) are being created in the workshops. Collective agreements provide for material incentives for mentors.
In order to popularize working professions, motivate young people to enter educational institutions that train personnel in the specialties demanded by the Company’s subsidiaries, the corresponding information and propaganda work is carried out at the enterprises. For example, Semipalatinsk Machine-Building Plant JSC regularly organizes field trips for students and graduates of secondary schools, Nazarbayev Intellectual School, East Kazakhstan Technological College, and Electrotechnical College. The main goal of the events is to help young people in choosing a profession.
In the framework of career guidance work, this year Petropavlovsk Heavy Engineering Plant JSC organized tours of the plant for 227 students and university students, colleges, schools of the city, during which they became acquainted with the history of the enterprise, its traditions, range of products, the plant’s contribution to the economy of the North Kazakhstan region and the republic as a whole.
In October last year, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Company and the Rheinmetal Eastern Markets GMBH (Germany) with the aim of cooperation in the field of vocational training. The implementation of the Memorandum involves the creation in Astana of the "Academy of Rheinmetall" - a center for training and retraining of personnel for subsidiaries of the Company. In March of this year, a study tour of the Company's employees to the Rheinmetal Eastern Markets GMBH took place, during which the experience of organizing work was studied on the creation of training centers, the development of the German dual system of vocational education. Currently, the management of Rheinmetal Western Markets GmbH is considering the possibility of organizing the training of the Company's employees at the Vocational Education and Training Center in Kassel (Germany) in the following professions: metal construction specialist, car mechanic, electronic mechanic, machining center operator, mechanical assembly fitter , specialist in the field of electronics, PCB manufacturing and surface mounting, specialist in the field of test equipment.