Joint Stock Company «National Company «Kazakhstan engineering» (hereinafter - the Company) announces on the electronic tender for sale of 100 % (one hundred percent) of ordinary shares
«Tynys» JSC, which will start on February 28, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. (Astana time) on the web portal of the State Property Register
The sale is carried out in accordance with the Rules of sale, restructuring of assets
«National Company «Kazakhstan engineering» JSC, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company on October 15, 2018 (Minutes № 6) (hereinafter - Rules) and the Rules of electronic bidding for the sale of property on the web portal of the register of state property, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of «Information and Accounting Center» JSC (Minutes № 66 of May 23, 2014) (hereinafter - Regulations).
The following items are put up for electronic bidding:
Name of the Asset: 100 % (one hundred percent) of ordinary shares of Tynys JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Asset).
Owner of the Asset: Joint Stock Company «National Company «Kazakhstan engineering»
Types of Activity of the Asset: Production and sale:
1) Production of assemblies and units to aircraft equipment;
2) Individual protection means;
3) Polyethylene pipes;
4) Casting on gasifiable models;
5) Nonwoven material (geotextile);
6) Goods of industrial and technical purpose.
Location of the Asset: 13 Altynsarin St., Kokshetau, Akmola region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Starting price of the Asset: 5,004,188,020 (five billion four million one hundred eighty-eight thousand twenty) tenge.
Special conditions for sale of the Asset:
1) Preservation of activity profile (specialization) of «Tynys» JSC;
2) Preservation of all the staff number of employees of «Tynys» JSC, who are the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) Preservation or creation of new jobs in «Tynys» JSC;
4) Repayment of accounts payable of «Tynys» JSC to the Company on payment of loan principal, loan interest, fine (penalty, forfeit), dividends and other debt within 36 (thirty six) calendar months from the date of the Asset purchase agreement;
5) Limitation of transactions (resale, pledge, transfer to management and other) and (or) prohibition of certain actions in relation to the Asset within 12 (twelve) calendar months after the transfer of ownership to the buyer;
6) Development of ongoing projects in «Tynys» JSC;
7) If the Buyer has the financial capacity by the end of 2024 to build the following real estate for the employees of «Tynys» JSC (in compliance with all sanitary, epidemiological and other requirements for living quarters) on the territory of «Tynys» JSC;
- Educational building, with a capacity for the number of employees (students) of not less than 50 people;
- Dormitory (with a capacity of at least 100 people, with the provision of all conditions for residence).
Registration of the participants of the electronic tender is performed on the web portal of the Registry from the date of publication of the notice on the web portal of the Registry and ends two hours before the start of the electronic tender.
The requirements for the participants of the electronic tender can be found on the web portal of the Registry of State Property
Additional information about the Assets can be found by sending an official request to «NC «Kazakhstan engineering» JSC (the Seller) to the following email addresses:, The request is accepted during the period of acceptance of electronic tender applications. The information is provided with the condition of signing a confidentiality agreement.
The guarantee fee for 103 500 000 (one hundred three million five hundred thousand) tenge shall be paid to the account of «Information and Accounting Center» JSC: BIN: 050540004455, «Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan» JSC: KZ946017111000000330; BIC: HSBKKZKX. Purpose of payment: guarantee fee for participation in the electronic tender (the amount of guarantee fee does not include payment for banking services). A bank guarantee is not accepted as a security deposit.
In order to ensure timely receipt of the guarantee fee to the «Information and Accounting Center» JSC account, it is recommended to pay the guarantee fee not later than three days before the end of the bid acceptance period.
If the participant who won the electronic tender does not sign the protocol on the results of the tender, the seller will not return the guarantee fee.
The protocol on the results of the auction is a document recording the results of the electronic tender and the obligations of the winner and the seller to sign a contract of sale of the Asset at the sale price.
The provisions on the procedure for conducting the electronic bidding, the procedure for registration of participation in the electronic bidding, the conditions for determining the Winner can be found in the Regulations, which are publicly available on the website of «Information and Accounting Center» JSC
Additional information about the bidding can be found on the website or by phone +7 (7172) 55-29-81 (JSC "ITC) and +7 (7172) 72 52 52 (ext. 1957, 1610) («NC «Kazakhstan engineering» JSC).