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August 30 - Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Constitution is the foundation of our state, ensuring freedom, justice and equality before the law. It reflects the will of the people, their desire to establish Kazakhstan as a democratic, secular, legal state, the highest values ​​of which are a person, his life, rights and freedoms.

The Constitution, adopted on August 30, 1995, is the core of national identity and the guarantor of stability and prosperity, enshrining the principles of justice, equality before the law and social solidarity.

Each enterprise of the Kazakhstan Engineering Group of Companies participates in the development of the machine-building industry, the introduction of advanced technologies and invests efforts in the prosperity of the country.

In turn, the main core of development is always human potential. The total number of employees of organizations "Kazakhstan Engineering" has more than 3,700 people. The company pays special attention to the development of personnel, protection of the rights of employees and provision of all necessary conditions for the implementation of labor activities.

All enterprises strive to provide a high level of care for employees, guaranteeing the protection of employees' rights, labor safety, quality medical services, fair remuneration, individual development of personnel, the implementation of social programs for personnel and the creation of new jobs.

In honor of the Constitution Day, each plant held a celebration: employees sang the anthem, held lectures, exhibitions, festive concerts and performances.

Let the Constitution Day of Kazakhstan be a time of renewal and inspiration for everyone, and let our country prosper, adhering to the highest principles of justice and legality.
