At the international exhibition of arms and military equipment "KADEX-2016" in Astana, Kazakhstan plant JSC "SRI" Gidropribor " will present the layout of the new icebreaking tug boats" Kazhymukan ".
Design and construction of the boat was launched in 2014 by request of the Border Service of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan. It is designed for patrolling rivers, reservoirs and the northern part of the Caspian Sea through ice up to 30 cm thick boats. Weight - about 151 tons, depth of immersion in water - 1.8 m.
At the same time, JSC "SRI" Gidropribor "will show visitors mobile station for autonomous diving descents on the basis of KAMAZ. The station allows for underwater combat swimmers operation to a depth of 40 meters.
It should be noted that this company is a part of JSC "NC" Kazakhstan Engineering ". The Institute specializes in research, design, single and small batch production of high-tech engineering samples in areas such as shipbuilding, mobile robotics, diving equipment, navigation equipment, equipment for the oil and gas sector.
In addition, also in the exhibition will show their products Kazakhstan enterprises engaged in the production, modernization and repair of military and dual-purpose. They offer for export different ship components, torpedo, ship hydraulics, aircraft components, advanced thermal imaging devices, lenses for scopes, night vision devices.
Sections of the exhibition this year will be expanded to 7. They will include aviation equipment, drones and space technology; weapons and military equipment of the Ground Forces and Naval Forces; systems and air defenses; property logistic and technical support of troops; IT-technologies, systems and communications; robotics in the military sphere; alternative energy sources, possible to using in the military sphere.
The exhibition is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the latest achievements in the field of defense industry. Note that for 10 long-term instruments in the amount of 1.5 billion US dollars were signed end of the exhibition in 2010, it was attended by 156 companies, with 86 -. domestic. And already in 2014, made in the course of the exhibition agreement, provided the conclusion of 31 long-term document, worth about 2.6 billion US dollars, the number of participating companies increased to 300, of which domestic -. 92.