Joint Stock Company «National Company «Kazakhstan Engineering» (hereinafter - the Company) announces electronic auction on conditions of increasing price for sale of 80% (eighty percent) of the Company's share in the authorized capital of «KazEng Electronics» LLP, which will start at 11:00 am (Astana time) on March 31, 2023 on the web portal of the State Property Register
The sale is carried out in accordance with the Rules for sale, restructuring of assets of «NC «Kazakhstan engineering» JSC, approved by decision of the Board of Directors of the Company dated October 15, 2018 (Minutes No. 6) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) and the Rules of electronic bidding for sale of property on the web portal of the State Property Register, approved by decision of the Information and Accounting Centre JSC Board of Directors (Minutes No. 66 dated May 23, 2014) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).
The following assets are put up for the electronic auction on a price increase basis:
Name of the Asset: 80 % (eighty percent) of the Company's interest in the authorized capital of «KazEng Electronics» LLP (hereinafter referred to as the Asset and Partnership).
Owner of the Asset: «NC «Kazakhstan engineering» JSC.
The principal activities of the Partnership are:
- repair and maintenance of communications facilities of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as MoD RK);
- technical support of communications facilities of MoD RK;
- repair and restoration of radio-electronic countermeasures (REP) and radio-electronic reconnaissance (RER) facilities of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- modernization of communications, artillery systems, REP and EPR equipment;
- performance of R&D on the subjects of RK MoD and other security agencies;
- technical support of missile forces and artillery (RV&A) facilities of the MoD of RK;
- production of personal computers and server equipment, including those complete with information security features and their implementation.
Existence of valid licences of the Partnership:
1) Surveying activities No. 18003528 dated 16.02.2018;
2) Development, production, repair, acquisition and sale of ammunition, weapons and military equipment, spare parts, components and devices for them as well as special materials and equipment for their production, including installation, adjustment, modernization, installation, use, storage, repair and maintenance №16009633 from 14.06.2016;
3) Design activities GSL No. 00031 dated 26.10.2017;
4) Handling of radioactive substances, devices and facilities containing radioactive substances No.18007556 dated 16.04.2018;
5) Construction and installation work SSL No. 00031 dated 26.10.2017
6) design (technological) and (or) operation of mining (hydrocarbon), petrochemical facilities, operation of main gas pipelines, oil pipelines, oil product pipelines in oil and gas field No. 17021962 dated 29.12.2017
7) Operation of mining and chemical industries №1800566 dated 19.03.2018.
Location of the Partnership: 129/1a Makataev Street, Almaty, 050000, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Starting and minimum price for the Asset: 345 880 528 (three hundred forty-five million eight hundred eighty thousand five hundred twenty-eight) tenge.
The installment payment is allowed within 3 (three) calendar months from the date of the Asset purchase agreement conclusion. The amount of the down payment is not less than 30% (thirty percent) of the purchase price, to be paid within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of the Asset purchase agreement. Upon payment of further amounts, the seller (the Company) shall charge interest on the amounts not yet paid based on the base rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of the date of actual payment.
Registration of bidders shall be made on the web-portal of the Registry from the date of publication of the notice on the web-portal of the Registry and shall end two hours before the start of the auction.
The requirements for bidders can be found on the web-portal of the Register of State Property
The guarantee fee for 51 882 080 (fifty-one million eight hundred eighty-two thousand and eighty) tenge shall be paid into the account of Information and Accounting Center JSC: BIN: 050540004455, Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC: KZ946017111000000330; BIC: HSBKKZKX. Purpose of payment: guarantee fee for participation in the electronic auction (the amount of guarantee fee does not include payment for banking services). A bank guarantee is not accepted as a guarantee fee.
In order to ensure timely receipt of the guarantee fee to the account of the Information and Accounting Centre JSC, it is recommended to pay the guarantee fee not later than three days before the bid submission deadline.
If the winning bidder fails to sign the Tender results protocol, the Seller will not refund the guarantee fee.
The Auction results protocol is a document fixing the results of the electronic auction and obligations of the winner and the seller to sign a contract of sale of the Asset at the selling price.
The provisions on the procedure of holding the E-Auction, the procedure of registration of participation in the Competitive Sale, the conditions of determining the Winner can be found in the Regulations, which are publicly available on the website of JSC Information and Accounting Centre
Further information about the Competitive Sale can be found on the web-site or by phone +7 (7172) 55-29-81 (Information and Accounting Center JSC) and +7 (7172) 72 52 52 (ext. 1957, 1610) (NC Kazakhstan Engineering JSC).