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On the beginning of a public discussion of the results of the internal analysis of corruption risks of NC Kazakhstan Engineering JSC

As part of the implementation of task 1. of the Project, internal analysis of corruption risks (hereinafter referred to as ICRA) of the Standard basic direction No. 4 “Preventing and combating corruption” for 2023, in accordance with paragraph 14 of the Anti-Corruption Action Plan for 2023 in NC Kazakhstan JSC engineering" (hereinafter referred to as the Company). In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Corruption” dated November 18, 2015 No. 410-V, the Company conducted an internal analysis of corruption risks.

VAKR was carried out by a working group consisting of:

  • head of the working group, Compliance officer of the Company Mukhamedzhanov E.K.;
  • Deputy Head of the Working Group, Head of the Risk Management and Internal Control Service of the Company Akhmetova M.S.;
  • adviser Abildin E.Zh.;
  • Manager of the Company Security Service Soltanov E.D.;
  • Manager of the Company's Compliance Service Musina A.B.

We hereby inform you of the beginning of a public discussion of the results of the internal analysis of corruption risks in the Company from October 27, 2023.

Update dated December 11, 2023:

REFERENCE on the results of an internal analysis of corruption risks at NC Kazakhstan Engineering JSC

In order to identify and study the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of corruption offenses at NC Kazakhstan Engineering JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Company), in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Corruption” and the Anti-Corruption Action Plan for 2023, an internal analysis was carried out corruption risks.

An internal analysis of corruption risks was carried out to identify corruption risks in internal documents affecting the activities of the Company, as well as to identify corruption risks in the organizational and managerial activities of the Company.

During the analysis, detections of different levels of criticality were identified, based on the results of which recommendations were made for their further elimination.

Based on the results of the analysis, a corrective action plan was developed indicating specific measures to eliminate corruption risks.
