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For suppliers of goods, works and services

Domestic suppliers of goods, works and services operating in the production and supply of weapons, military and special equipment, technical means, ammunition and equipment for the production and testing of military goods (products) and dual-use goods (products) (use), repair , modernization and regulated maintenance of weapons, military and special equipment, technical means, ammunition and equipment for the production and testing of goods, the production of military and special uniforms, insignia and personal protective equipment for servicemen of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations and employees special state bodies, civil protection bodies, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the order of the Minister of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08.21.2017 No. 145 / NK " On the approval of the Rules for the formation and keeping the register of domestic producers and domestic suppliers of works, services " (hereinafter - the Rules).

In case of interest, in accordance with clause 10 of the Rules, it is necessary to send an application (with the attachment of documents) for inclusion in the register to the operator - Joint Stock Company National Company Kazakhstan Engineering - by January 10, 2018 at the address: 010000, St. Astana, st. Kunaeva, 10, BC "Emerald Quarter", 27th floor.
