Functional responsibilities:
- carries out activities on drawing up the list of enterprises-performers of the state budget within the supervised direction;
- monitors prices for goods, works and services provided within the framework of the state budget execution by supervised subsidiaries and affiliates;
- selects suppliers and distributes the volume of state-owned enterprises within the supervised area;
- carries out activities for the preparation, approval and conclusion of state budget agreements in the framework of the supervised area;
- carries out activities for continuous monitoring of the execution of the terms of contracts concluded, operational solution of emerging risks for their non-fulfillment within the supervised area;
- develops proposals to the Company's management on the development of inter-factory cooperation in the execution of state contracts and the creation of new production facilities within the supervised direction;
- carries out activities to perform the functions of the operator in the interaction between the Company and the Customer, the Company and suppliers in the supervised direction;
- monitors the effectiveness of achieving strategic goals and objectives supervised by the company's subsidiaries and affiliates;
- provides the management and structural divisions of the Company with up-to-date information on the issues of strategic development and implementation of strategic goals and objectives of the supervised subsidiaries, as well as the main financial and economic results of the supervised subsidiaries;
- jointly with the Department of Economics and planning, analyzes the financial and economic activities of supervised subsidiaries and develops proposals to improve economic efficiency and maximize the financial results of supervised subsidiaries;
- develops the direction of providing comprehensive engineering services, including, but not limited to: design, development of feasibility studies, purchase of equipment, project management for construction, installation and commissioning, personnel training, organization of financing in the supervised area;
- develops and implements projects to increase the share of export-oriented products in the supervised area;
- monitors the implementation of programs for scientific, technical and technological development of the company's subsidiaries, including the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production, as well as prices, goods, works and services of existing enterprises within the supervised direction;
- provides implementation of programs of scientific, technical and technological development in the military-industrial complex, including the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production within the framework of the supervised;
- initiates the development of draft regulatory legal acts (hereinafter referred to as NPA), ensures consideration of NPA projects submitted by authorized bodies and organizations to the Company, and also participates, if necessary, in the activities of working groups on NPA projects that affect the interests of the Company and (or) the company's subsidiaries and affiliates;
other functions in accordance with The company's internal regulations
Auxiliary functions:
- ensures the requirements of the quality management system within the competence;
- ensures the requirements of the internal control system and proper documentation in accordance with internal control procedures;
- performs risk identification and assessment activities, ensures implementation of approved risk response measures, and contributes to the development of risk communication;
- participates in the execution of other orders of the company's bodies and officials, JSC "Samruk-Kazyna", the Ministry of defense and aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other state bodies received in accordance with the established procedure, on issues related to the competence of the position;
- develops technical specifications (tasks) within the framework of preparation of tender documentation for purchases of the Department;
- prepares / approves documents submitted for consideration by the Company's bodies and subsidiaries, as well as draft documents on issues within the competence of the Department;
- represents The company's interests in state bodies and other organizations within its competence;
provides consulting, methodological and practical assistance to the company's structural divisions and corresponding divisions of the company's subsidiaries and affiliates.
- higher education: technical/economic/legal education.
- having an MBA degree.
Work experience:
- total work experience of at least 10 years, including at least 3 years in the professional industry or in the Company's group and / or affiliated organizations, including at least 3 years of experience in Executive positions;
- it is desirable to have experience in the field of operation of telecommunications and the use of electronic programs for digital communications;
Additional requirements:
- knowledge of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating relations in the field corresponding to the specialization of the position;
- knowledge of the engineering industry;
- knowledge in project management, ability to analyze a large amount of data, make decisions independently;
- confident user of MSOffice programs;
- skills of working with the use of modern information technologies;
- have communication and presentation skills to interact with representatives of the Sole shareholder, government agencies and other stakeholders;
- developed skills of strategic and analytical thinking, understanding of international, economic, industrial and business trends.
To consider Your candidacy, you need to fill out a resume in the established form, which you can download here
Send your CV by email
Chief Manager of the Earth Division of the industrial development Department