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The staff of JSC «NC «Kazakhstan engineering» congratulated veterans Great Patriotic War

On the eve of the Victory Day, representatives of JSC «NC «Kazakhstan engineering» visited veterans of the Great Patriotic War and workers of the rear. Employees of the company gave the participants of the war the congratulatory address of the Chairman of the Board Yerlan Idrissov, wishing them health, long life, all the best, and also presented memorable gifts and cash presents.

Frontline workers Nurmakhan Alpysbaev and Aldabergen Zhanabilov live today in Astana. The life path of each of them is worthy of numerous books, the greatest respect and eternal memory in the hearts of descendants.

The pupil of the orphanage Nurmakhan Alpysbaev, drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army, went through the war from the first days to the end. He fell into captivity, fled from it, fought in the partisan movement. After the Great Patriotic War, Nurmakhan Basanovich graduated from Almaty State Medical Institute, worked as a doctor for many years. Now he is 97 years old.

Aldabergen Zhanabilov was drafted in 1942. He served in Ukraine, in Belorussia, in Vladivostok, fought against the Japanese army in a tank artillery regiment. Returning to his homeland, he married and before retiring he worked in a professional driving school. The 72nd anniversary of the Victory over Fascism Aldabergen Zhanabilov meets at the age of 94.

Both veterans were awarded numerous orders and medals for the services in battle, for bravery and courage shown in the Great Patriotic War.

The laborer of the rear of Amina Kuanova met the employees of the company with special warmth. Now she is 81 years old, she worked as a nurse for over 40 years. It turned out that before entering the medical school, Amina Esimkairovna even worked for a while at the plant named after K.E. Voroshilov, now the Urals plant «Zenith», which is a part of JSC «NC «Kazakhstan engineering».

«I remember the machine tools of the enterprise, so big, we had to keep them in order. For me, a graduate of the school, it was so responsible. I well remember this time, I am glad that in the labor experience there was work at this plant» -, Amina Kuanova shared her memories.

Press-service of JSC «NC «Kazakhstan engineering»
